Diagnosing snoring & sleep apnea..

Is frequent, disruptive snoring keeping you from a good night’s sleep?
Do you feel chronically fatigued, despite how many hours of sleep you get each night?
Do you wake up with a dry mouth and/or headaches in the morning?
Are you having a hard time sleeping through the night?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a common medical condition categorized as involuntary cessation of breathing while asleep.

Sleep Apnea is More Dangerous Than You Think

Someone suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing repeatedly during their sleep. This leads to low levels of oxygen in their blood and high blood pressure; thereby increasing one’s risk of heart attack and stroke.

You Do NOT Have to Go to a Hospital or Facility to Be Tested

Oftentimes people suffering from sleep apnea don’t get tested because they aren’t comfortable staying at a hospital or testing facility overnight. We have good news. You DON’T have to stay at a hospital or facility overnight to get tested anymore. That’s right:

  • NO hospitals
  • NO strange beds
  • NO unfamiliar environments
  • NO electrodes on your head

Covered By Insurance

Ask us if your insurance plan qualifies.

Wellness Begins When You Say Yes.

Wellness & Sleep At-Home Sleep Study: Not Your Typical Sleep Study

With the way things are currently going, you have enough trouble sleeping as is. Wellness & Sleep’s At-Home Sleep Study service allows you to be tested for sleep apnea right from the comfort of your own home.

Sleep comfortably in your own bed, free of scary-looking electrodes and unfamiliar environments. What’s more, at-home sleep studies from Wellness & Sleep are covered by insurance!

Sleep Apnea Treatment at Wellness & Sleep

Not only is our at-home sleep study comfortable, convenient, and ultimately life-changing, but treatment consists of a personalized oral appliance completely free of any machinery—that means NO CPAP!

Get treated by a board certified surgeon who specializes in Sleep Apnea

Meet Dr. Jonathan Arad, MD, FACS

Compassionate. Dedicated. Experienced.

“The most important thing to understand is that the work we do reduces the risk factors for many very serious health conditions. Heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, cancer, infertility, liver disease, and chronic pain in the back, hips, and legs all keep people from enjoying happy, healthy lives. The procedures we perform help people achieve radical progress in their wellness journey.”

I had surgery done with Dr.Arad on July , all I can say he changed my life in the most beautiful way, I was a lot overweight and I decided to do the barbaric sleeve . I lost lots of weight so far , he is very professional and amazing Dr.
Great doctor highly recommended. I had my surgery ( Gastric Sleeve) 4 months ago and I had NO complications at all. Dr. Arad and his staff is always available whenever I had any questions or concern. You have completely changed my life. Thank you
This man is a miracle worker. He saved my life after endless attempts to lose weight and get healthy. Had surgery in January and by May I’m already down 85lbs. It has given me more energy for work and my family.

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